Friday, April 30, 2010


I love yogurt! :D
Been ultra long since I last stepped into Bugis lol. Yeah I know super laggg shit HAHA. So Baby & I headed down to Bugis today to walk-walk and we wore our couple tees out! Love it ttm.(: Had mochi, took neoprints (yeah for the 1st time after 8 months!), had berrylite and we decided to head down to Geylang for frog leg porridge, and some drama happened HAHAHA, very embarrassing lol. Decided to get some durians although we were both quite full already, it's just the craving you know! Ate so much food today I feel like ls-ing now :(
Baby, I hope you're fine. :(

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Updates updates!

27TH APRIL 2010:


Trying to act cute? LOL.


I love Baby's eyelashes! I think its really longggg! Okay lah don't look very long here.
Met Shiyun and her boyfriend at Vivo City for dinner and some shopping, something like a double date.(: Had Carl's Jr, and I felt really extremely bloated after the fries! Walked around a bit, bought a skirt that I really really likeeee! Hearts the bow! And then Shiyun and bf left first cos they had lessons early tmr and she was tried already too. So Baby and I continued with our shopping, and we bought a couple tee! :D At the end of the day, Baby's shopping amounted to a whooping 450bucks, and total expenditure was about 800 (including other stuffs also lah) omgzxzx. To some people it may not be a lot lah, but considering that both of us haven't been working for more than a month, and we've been living on our savings :( Well, been trying to comfort ourselves with "Nevermind lah very long never pamper ourselves le, plus we very happy today with our buys rightttt!!" LOL!

26TH APRIL 2010:
Frustrated after we took so many pictures of him LOL :D
Travis not looking :(

Baby and lovely Travis!

Adorable ttm.

His face super cute one! Angry at first, after looking at him, become happy:D

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Morning peeps! Gonna have steamboat for lunch about an hour's time, yeah haha quite weird i know, lunch with the family is always really early, like ard 11 to 1130? Lol.

Anyways, yesterday was our 8th month-sary! This is the when pig boyfriend and I spent the most time together and the laziest moments of our life ever since we started out? We meet almost everyday and just spend the day having fun or slacking throughout. LOL:D Gave him a handmade present, hoped he liked it. (:

Made shopping plans yesterday but ended up staying at home 'cos Baby fell sick, fever was a whooping 39.5 degrees(and refused to go lower after all the towel and ice thingy!), and he told me "no need see doctor one lah". I was panicking here and there! Luckily his temperature went down after he took a bath and took some panadols, but fever came back again after the panadol effects wore off. :( Decided to visit the doctor's, his daddy drove us to some clinic near his place, and drove me to JE to take a bus home. :)
I hope Baby will recover soon, hate to see him sick! :(

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby picked me up today, after not sleeping the whole night,sweetie pie!♥
HAHA and then went back to his place, had lunch, slept, woke up at 530, watched teevee, play with travis, had dinner, watched teevee again, home! The very much routined and peaceful life(:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I needa cut my fringe!!!!!!!!
Baby farted a lot a lot of times today,and i thought he ls-ed on his boxers LOL,cos smell like rubbish bin haha. Anyway, I still love you, even your farts! ♥

Sagittarius + Virgo
Fire + Earth = Lava
Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury, is very much concerned with detail. In contrast, Jupiter, your ruling planet, is preoccupied with the bigger picture of life, love and circumstances generally.
But both of you are mutable signs, which means you’re both adaptable creatures. Because of this, you can have a successful relationship even though you are quite different kinds of people.
Sagittarius, you are a big picture person. You are concerned with the forest. Virgo is much more interested in the trees, perhaps even each and every leaf on every tree.
This doesn’t mean that the relationship can’t work. You may in fact balance each other quite nicely, especially if you learn to accept each other’s views and not get too precious about your own opinions.
Virgo will need to learn to let go of their criticism of every little thing and look at the outcome rather than the process. And you could give a little more thought to the process rather than the outcome. This is probably equally difficult for both of you. It could be worth it, though, because the combined influence of your star signs can mean loads of intellectual stimulation.
Virgo is lucky for you as far as work is concerned, but you’ll need to stay grounded, and to develop an interest in domestic life, if you are to satisfy their needs. So put Virgo’s words of wisdom to good use in your career, and work on bringing more harmony to your family situation. In the bedroom, you have hugely different styles. Virgo is reserved; you like to experiment. If your sexual connection is going to work, Virgo will need to learn how to put their mind to sleep and enjoy the moment for what it is. If they can do that, things will go very well.
Though you may not have a tremendous romantic attraction for Virgos born between 24 August and 2 September, there’s something to be said for getting together professionally. This could be the foundation for a more romantic alliance down the track.
Virgos born between 3 September and 12 September could come across as wet blankets, but some are a special sort of Virgo, and could help you focus your scattered energies in a positive and practical way. You may gain a lot more than at first seems possible with them.
Virgos born between 13 September and 22 September may grate on your nerves. It’s probably best to avoid them. You could work with them, but you won’t see eye to eye on the details of your daily routine, and this could become a problem.

True and false?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I guess I was really bored!
Been rather down this few days...
Perhaps, I'm expecting too much from you?

Monday, April 19, 2010

I can't seem to do a single thing right...:(

Saturday, April 17, 2010

you don't talk to me this way, really.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sis and I inside Dad's car (:

Bored moments!

Waiting for food to arrive.

constipated face.

Mum and sis!

Dear mummy and me (:

Just back home! Went Tamp Mall for dinner with family, like a mini celebration since it's Mummy's birthday today, Daddy couldnt be present cos of work -.-, but he came to pick us up home.Anyways,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

At Baby's home now, just ate porridge and some chips. Weird combination I know. Had a fight with him ytd, making me all depressed and all, but we're fine now(: b's bathing and shitting now i think, probably a movie later. (:

Daddy's birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope God will bless him with good health and being happy everyday!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I love being held. I love when I am in someones arms, and I know that they would do anything for me. yea, I know its selfish but that is what I love.

I love waking up to someone and smiling and having them smile back. When you are cold, and you are sharing a blanket and hugging each other as tight as you ever could. your hair is all a mess and your breath smells and you nuzzle up to their neck and they nuzzle you back and wrap their arms around you. and you smile. And fall right back asleep.

I love walking into a room and he smiles back at you, you work your way over, making googiley eyes just for fun until you reach him, and then he wraps you in a big hug and you say hi and act like you haven’t seen each other in ages. That is a great feeling.

Knowing your love will not fade.The happy moments, the secret smiles.

The tears after a big fight. And then him rushing over to dry them with kisses, not being able to sleep until he knows I am better.The silent way people drift apart, the way the secret smiles fade. The fights end in crying with no one to hold you. the way your world seems to collapse, but you know this isn’t the way its supposed to be.YELLING AT HIM TO FIX IT. even though you know you did more damage than he did.

Being completely in love with him. and him with you.

Being bestfriends, lovers, soulmates.

Him thinking he is not good enough, so he wants you to find someone that is.

You refusing to find someone else because you want him.

The complications.

The tears.

The heartache.

The feeling of love through it all.


Always high and funny, Kristle!

messy hair after running under the rain.
Sweety-pie, Rachel!
Die die also wanna take an all-girls group photo although it was really about to rain any second! LOL 8)

Group photo.
I realised I took very little pictures with Baby that day, and all the pictures are not with me. sorry bby!:(
*Credits to Kristle for pictures on facebook(: